Kaattoorkadavu by Asokan Charuvil stands as a pinnacle in Malayalam literature, renowned for its profound political narrative. Set against the backdrop of post-independence India, this novel intricately weaves together the complex tapestry of societal transformation. Through the lens of a village devastated by a monumental flood, Charuvil portrays the nuanced interplay of destruction and renewal, echoing the larger national movements of the era. Dive into this compelling saga that not only captures the essence of a changing society but also offers a profound reflection on the human condition.
معلومات المنتج
AuthorAshokan Charuvil
Category TypeFiction
PublisherDC BOOKS
FormatPaper Back
Year Of Publication2023
Number Of Pages376
Dimensions14 cm X 21 cm
SynopsisKattoorkadav is one of the best political novels in Malayalam and presents our post-truth world in the most subtle and comprehensive way. A life analysis set in a village devastated by a great deluge, the revival and national movement is the background.