عرض جميع المنتجات من  بوكا

بوكا شاي بالاعشاب و3انواع من النعناع 20 كيس شاي

﷼ 24.95
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الرجاء تحديد تاريخ التسليم.

ملخص بيانات المنتج

  • Good news for refreshing the palate
  • Three Mint tea, the refreshing hero of the palate
  • Just imagine three types of mint together � finely-chopped spearmint, fieldmint and peppermint � the cool suddenly becomes more vibrant
  • The sweetness more supreme. And the 'you' it leaves behind, as crisp and clean as the brightest day
  • Good News for refreshing the palate.

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